Creating REAL Social Change
Compassion & Commerce Combined for the Benefit of Society & Business

When needs of society meets the needs of business you have a foundation on which to build sustainable social change and an enhanced bottom line that benefits all participants in very positive ways.

3 Observations of A.C.E Business Opportunities
Observation #1:
Businesses (for-profit and non-profit) operate in the same traditional manner of others within their category, until one closely examines the sameness factors causing an overlooked opportunity to always be found. That is the focus of the A.C.E. approach

Observation # 2:
Organizations promoting social change are limited to the depth and breadth of what they can do due to lack of consistent available funding, limited size and marketing experience of staff, A.C.E.'s team has experience within its resource network to deliver the right programs for the right reasons.

Observation #3
Corporate America often supports noble causes through PSA advertising or cause related campaigns that raise funds; i.e. 10 cents of each purchase goes to Breast Cancer Research.

These campaigns are rarely tied into an integrated marketing approach that creates real and sustainable change. A.C.E. programs are designed to fulfill bottom line needs as well as social ones.

A Smart Marketing Group Concept